How to participate?

The registration of the participants and the stamping of the bases will take place at:

Loggia di Grisignana: Thursday September 23th 2021 from 12 noon to 7:00 p.m., Friday September 24th and Saturday September 25th 2021 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Università Popolare di Trieste – Sala “Sbisà” (Via Torrebianca 22)

Unione Italiana Fiume-Rijeka (Uljarska ul. 1/IV)

Unione Italiana Koper-Capodistria (Ulica Osvobodilne Fronte 10)

Community of Italians – Pula-Pola (Carrarina ul. 1)

Thursday September 23th and Friday September 24th 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Each participant will be entitled to stamp two bases.

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The subjects of the works are: GRISIGNANA – ISTRIAN LAND- SCAPE

The artists may choose freely both the technique and the materials, provided that they comply with some certified characteristics such as steadiness, durability through time, easy maintenance and low handling costs. Format must not exceed 100 x 120 cm. The works shall be dis- played by the participants themselves by 11:00 a.m. of Sunday, Sep- tember 26th 2021 in Piazza Grande and along the street that goes from Piazza Grande to the Loggia, as well as along the adjacent streets. The works will be displayed until 5:00 p.m. Each participant shall place the card received at the moment of the registration on the back of ev- ery work, with the following details written on it: name and surname, address, work title, figurative technique and value in Kunas or Euro. The international jury will award the prize, regardless of the value of the work. The judgment is not open to appeal. Participation in the Ex Tempore implies complete acceptance of the regulations. The first two prizes will be held as property of the Unione Italiana – Fiume, while the third prize will be held as property of the Comunità degli Italiani di Grisignana.

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First prize:   2.500,00 €

Second prize:  1.500,00

Third prize:   1.000,00

Prize Town of Grisignana:  5.000 kn

Prize “Daria Vlahov Horvat” personal exhibition at the  “Fonticus” Gallery in Grožnjan

All prizes are net of taxes.

The awarding ceremony will take place on Sunday, September 26th 2021 at 4.00 p.m. on the Belvedere Terrace. The works which have not won any prize may be collected after the awarding ceremony and if not so they will be regarded as donated to the Grisignana Town Coun- cil. Organizers do not take any responsibility for damages to the works caused by unexpected reasons.

Due to the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic, the event may undergo changes and will have to be adopted the measures provided by the local health authorities.
For this reason, we invite you to follow us on websites and social net- works, until the date of the event.


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